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About VALL

Page history last edited by Benjamin Almoite 9 years, 6 months ago



The Virginia Association of Law Libraries was founded in 1988, expanding a previously existing organization, the Richmond Area Law Libraries. Now, as then, VALL's objectives are to develop and increase the usefulness and efficiency of law libraries, to promote librarianship and to foster a spirit of cooperation among members of the profession. The organization is a chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries.




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Mission Statement


The Virginia Association of Law Libraries (VALL) supports and serves its members’ professional pursuits by fostering a spirit of leadership and cooperation, providing educational and leadership opportunities, and promoting and enhancing the value of law libraries. VALL also advocates for easy and equitable access to legal information and education of library users.





Officers and Committees

Chapter Leadership Handbook (PDF)

VALL Grants

VALL Strategic Plan (2015-2020) *NEW*


Mailing Address


Virginia Association of Law Libraries
P.O. Box 1378
Richmond, Virginia 23218



Updated April 6, 2015

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